Who is Wanda Williams?
Wanda is a proud lifelong resident of Harrisburg. She has been married to her husband Jerome K. Williams for 43 years, and together they have 5 children, 18 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. Wanda is a graduate of William Penn High School and Harrisburg Area Community College. She spent her professional career working for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Wanda was first elected to City Council in 2005 and has been the president for the last 12 years. She challenged the Act 47 plan twice, and filed lawsuits against the city receiver, resulting in a fairer deal for our citizens. She worked with Right Site Harrisburg to build the new Federal Courthouse. She enacted legislation to “Ban the Box” on city job applications and has worked with numerous Federal and State agencies to secure more resources for the city. Wanda also serves her community as an executive board member of the PA League of Cities, as a Democratic committeewoman, and as a board member for the Downtown Improvement District. She previously served as a member of the Human Advocacy Commission (on a national level), as a board member of Rejoice Adoption Agency, and as president of AFSCME Local 3105.